What to Prepare for Week 4

What to prepare for our next class:

Reading: Please read the introduction and “Gramophone” from Kittler’s Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Focus your attention on “Gramophone.” Kittler includes complete primary sources at times, so it really isn’t a solid block of theorizing. That said, the whole book is only three chapters, so I was at a bit of a loss. (I have deleted “There Is No Software” from our schedule; we may reprise it when we get to software studies.) I have also scanned the translators’ introduction, which may help sort out some of the difficulties of Kittler’s thought—and Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, whose Kittler and the Media is recommended, is one of the two translators. But we won’t address this in any meaningful way next class.

Blogging: Please write both posts for this week. Please make sure to cite somebody else’s post in each of your posts. Recall how to include links in markdown: [Text](URL). I will be writing a week-in-review early next week.

Updating Jekyll: For all of you, the next time you blog (or sooner, if you can), you’ll find a button in GitHub desktop (top left of your timeline) that will let you update from eng7006/master. Please click that button. There should be no merge conflicts, so all you should need to do is sync the repo after you’ve updated. This will add RSS capabilities to Folio, fix the title in Brume so that it’s not always Brume, and hopefully get the Categories link in Pithy to work.

RSS: Please note that we’re using the Slack channel #blogs as an RSS aggregator, not Feedly. If it’s not working for you, please let me know and we can switch over to Feedly.

If you are using Folio, please let me know by email or Slack that you’ve updated the blog. I can’t add your blog to the #blogs channel in Slack before you update your blog.

Dailies: First of all, I have added a running tally of dailies in the coding lessons repo. This should give you what you need to know.

There are three-and-a-half dailies this week: 0. This is the half. You should complete the refactoring of your object. You may wish to radically simplify the object before refactoring it. Also, the minimum spec for refactoring is: four of your own variables, one of your own functions. 1. The third iteration of ball, making it bounce both horizontally and vertically, which we talked about at the end of lab. That is, the ball continue its horizontal movement should it bounce off the bottom or the top; and likewise, it should continue its vertical movement if it bounces off either the left or right side. 2. Animate one of your drawings from the first week, from using movable-shape: https://github.com/eng7006/movable-shape 3. Animate another of your drawings using movable-shape.

Coding: You may wish to read coding lesson 3 before we go through it on Thursday, even if you don’t get everything about it.